Unto Us a Child is Born

We are surrounded by gifts, not only at Christmas, but all through the year. Every day the greatest gift of all waits for us to receive Him.

During our last class before Christmas break, I incorporated some treasurable stories. I started with a story about one of my sons. When he was younger, we walked along one of the beaches on the west coast of Florida. After viewing some beautiful seashells, starfish, sand dollars and many other interesting things, he asked me why there were more treasures in the sea than on land. I explained how sometimes we get so used to seeing all the treasures around us, that we tend to take them for granted. Just as the little mermaid, Ariel, thought that there was so much more on land.

Very often, people will express themselves with something tangible. Pretzels have been around for many years. History has it, that in A.D. 610, a baker in a monastery in Europe twisted leftover strips of bread dough into the shape of a person’s arms crossed in prayer. They began offering the warm, doughy treats to children who had memorized their Bible verses and prayers. The monks called these treats pretiolas, which is Latin for little rewards.

Over the years, many people have also used the candy cane to share God’s love. Explaining that, the white base color of the candy cane symbolizes the purity of Jesus, the red stripes symbolize Jesus’ blood when He died on the cross, and the J shape represents the J for Jesus.

After giving our class pretzels and candy cane treats, I asked them to share with me what Christmas meant to them. With all the beautiful answers, Gianluca summed them all up with, “Christmas is about how Jesus was born, and we celebrate that.” For unto us a Child is born, and His gift is everlasting.

God’s word reveals, “This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put My laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.” Then He adds, “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”

May we receive the greatest gift of all this Christmas and let His love shine throughout the world.

Blessings always,

Deanna Danielle


Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words! – 2 Corinthians 9:15


Words Written with Love

Along the coast of Mexico stood a beautiful villa. A sign in front read, ‘Rooms Available’. A man driving by needed a room, so he check in. After putting his bags down, he decided to go for a swim, since it was a glorious, warm day. After beginning to swim, he noticed a sign which read ‘No Swimming — SHARKS!’ He got out of the water, using unkind words, he kicked and tore down the sign, and left the villa in a fury.

Again, the ‘Rooms Available’sign was posted. The next gentleman to check in, unpacked, and went for a stroll. He, too, decided to go for a swim. As he stepped into the water, he caught sight of another sign that read “No Swimming — SHARKS!’ With his heart pounding, he quickly returned to shore. When he approached the rocky beach, he knelt down and prayed, “My Lord and my God, thank you for letting me see this sign, for you rescued me today from being eaten by the sharks.” As he looked out over the water, many moving shark fins were visible. He again thanked God for saving him. Upon his return to the villa, he shared his story with everyone.

This is the story that I shared with my class. After reading it to them, I asked, “Do you think the sign, ‘No swimming — SHARKS!’ were words written with love?” Looking at their expressions, as they answered, “Yes,” you could see there was no doubt amongst them. I now held up a sign with the 10 commandments written on it. I explained, “These, too, are words written with love, by the hand of God.” Exodus 31:18.

With the opportunity to share with our class the differences, between harboring anger and nurturing love within ourselves, I could clearly see that this class is ready to be the reflection of the Ultimate Love.

Some great kids have been added to our class lately. They are Gianluca, Joseph and Frankie. This was Frankie’s first class with us. Here are a few of his written words of love, “Today our class learned about the Ten Commandments. We also learned about being happy for each other and to love everybody.”

As Nancy Spiegelberg once said, “Lord, I crawled across the bareness to you with my empty cup, uncertain in asking for any small drop of refreshment. If only I had known you better, I’d have come running with a bucket.”

Many Blessings,

Deanna Danielle

Words written with love!

Words written with love!



New Friends

From our first game of speed meeting to setting up play dates, 201 Boulevard’s 1st grade class is moving up! From our first blog, ‘ Hello Everyone! Welcome to the 1st grade’ to our last blog, ‘New Friends’, I have to say, it was a really sweet experience…

While our class watched a video, I took them aside one by one. As we sat in the little chairs facing each other, I asked them what they’ve learned. It has to be one of the greatest gifts, as a catechist, to hear a student say, as Ally did, “I learned Jesus loves me, God blessed me, and how to pray.”  This is the same Ally who asked, “…deliver us from evil.” , what does that mean?” and also “Did they get haircuts back then?” As a teacher, I love to see my students seeking questions that will bless them with A Day of Discovery!

Throughout the school year, there have been times when we’ve had a Change Of Plans or relied on Improvisation. For instance, when there were no costumes to play the part of Mary and Joseph, and we used pink tissue on Paula’s head and the paper towels on Jack’s as they embraced baby Jesus. Or, when Ewan raised his hand and asked, “I eat apples, am I bad?” I’m so grateful to have God with us as we enter these precious moments and respond to  sensitive questions! Let me not forget our game of Volleyball, when the hands of Emma and Salvatore were used for our scoreboard.

Whether we are going through the The Storms of Life where we can be encouraged by David defeating Goliath, (even if I have to ask, does anyone know what a giant is?) Or, when Gianluca drew a picture of his fish and himself, reflecting on Unconditional Love, we know there is  A Time For… everything. There is also a time when students leave a great Impression on their teacher. I’ll never forget when my nephew, Ben, brought one of those special moments when he shared, “I prayed to God, and He healed me!” As Charlotte said it so perfectly, “Love is a gift from God.”

So, it could be that Aidan M, becoming the new Pope Patrick or that Aidan S. Is sharing what he learned about Noah having all the animals on the boat, and that God is love. Also, it could be Ashley and Salvatore’s picture being in the Catholic New York newspaper for You’re in My Heart Haiti orphan project. Or, Gianluca and Samantha reenacting a Baptism and naming their baby Jackson. Or, any of the following; Patrick’s little ways, that remind me of ‘The Little Rascals.’ Nikolaus, who is saving for a motorcycle already, Mary, who is always there ready to make things happen, and of course Elizabeth, who came to class with a different braided coiffure every week, and impressed me each time (being a stylist, I just had to mention that). I felt very blessed to have been a part of their little lives, Planting Seeds and watching Blooming Gardens.

I would like to take a moment to share something Samantha said to me, “God is special to us,” and a part of the class that she will always remember is our helpers, Dominique, Kristen, Gabby, and her new friends! (thanks Samantha for giving me the title for our class Blog 🙂

This is my Thanksgiving Prayer. I thank you, Father, for the wonderful gift of Jesus, your Son, and the grace of Your Holy Spirit, who guides us always. Thank you for the blessings of our families, and the New Friends that we’ve become with each other.  As it is written, “And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness—and he was called a friend of God.” James 2:23. Thank You for being our Lord and for the privilege of being your friend. May peace, happiness and great health be with us always, and when we look at the Cross may we forever see a Big Hug!  Amen.

P.S. Thank you, Ben, for bringing in the World’s Best Mom project for all the kids. Also, Jack, for putting in so much time setting up the freeze dance game for our class. You helped make it an extra special day!

Many blessings,

