
Our class started with the kids lined up, facing our guests consisting of parents, friends, and another 1st grade class. Paula introduced the Bible, then Mary and Charlotte asked our class some questions about the Bible. Samantha held up the cross, as the class shared that it’s a reminder that they are all loved. Finally, Jack introduced our performing artist.

This week, we had a very special performing artist, Marty Rotella. Marty has a nice list of credentials; singer, songwriter, speaker, producer, master of ceremonies. I have to say, he did a wonderful job sharing God’s awesome love for us. The kids really enjoyed the interaction, the usage of visual props, singing along, answering questions, and, asking lots of questions!

Along with the many inspiring teachings Marty brought along with him, there is one I would like to share. It was his explanation of the Trinity; Father, Son, Holy Spirit. One God. He had the children hold up three fingers, and explained how even though they are separate, they are all part of the same hand. He also explained that if he were to take water in its liquid form and put it in the freezer, it would become ice. Then he asked what would happen if he put the same water on a burning stove top. Charlotte raised her hand and said, “It would get hot!” Marty smiled, and replied, “You’re right, it’s the same water, yet it is in three different forms.

At the end of our class, many of the adults expressed how impressed they were that the kids knew so much. The truth is, the more time we spend with someone, the better we know them. I am sure that the psalmist who wrote Psalm 48:14 had spent some time getting to know our God. It’s the only way he could express something as beautiful as this; “For this God is our God for ever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end.”

An Impression is an effect produced on someone. Teachers are not responsible for what their students know. They’re just responsible for the seeds they plant to help their students grow. As we wind down to one class left, it is my prayer that seeds are planted and a good impression is left with each and every one of my students.

Many blessings,                                                                                                              Deanna