Everything in Moderation

Words spoken out of experience.

March 7, 1911, in a small southern town of Italy, a strong, healthy cry made it known that a feisty, fun, fearless, little girl had entered our world. Her life would be one filled with all the hardships, trials and love that this side of heaven has to bring. Through the Great Depression and World Wars; inventions and change; to watching three of her five children go home to be with our Lord earlier than expected; by way of it all she managed to always add value to the lives of others. Throughout the peaks and valleys of life, she passed-on a legacy as she ever so naturally bestowed the utmost incredible truth about God’s continuous grace.

I love to recall a family gathering when my Dad lovingly wrapped his arm around her and proudly stated, “Woman, you’ve been from the horse and buggy to the calculator!” In a season in time, witnessing ninety-three years of life, Rachel “Rae” (my Grandma) optimistically and joyfully navigated through time, leaving an inheritance fueled with passion and love. Her gift to me was more precious than silver, gold, and all the riches that are untold; when she got down on her knees and taught me how to pray when I was just seven years old.

One day as my Grandma and I sat on the steps of her front porch, and I asked her to share some words of wisdom, her response, “Be sure to get out every day to live the life that you have been given; and, everything in moderation.” Her words echo often in my ears. In part, she left behind some great tools, a beautiful little present of words spoken out of experiences. Although life is not always easy, and we don’t always get what we hoped for here on earth, it’s great to know that there are champions, God-given powerful words, that are meant to strengthen us and keep us on the winning team.

The right word at the right time can elevate our world to a better place. As I think about what my Grandmother said, “Everything in moderation” a well known scripture from the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 comes to mind, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heaven..” In this life we will face hardships, trials and of course (hopefully) love and joy. We will also experience, feelings, emotions and choice-making. We are given the ability to make healthier, more positive decision about how to think, feel, and behave when we are given the right tools and the context to do so. Finding the balance and wholeness in due measure all starts with prayer. In life, everything in moderation, has its place.

When a need or circumstance is followed by a course of action it creates history. From beginning to end, there is nothing better for us than to seek God first in all things. After all, Eternity is set in the human heart. There is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. Time is a stepping stone for what is yet to come.

A teacher is not so much responsible for what our students know, but more so for the seeds we plant to help them grow.

Father in the Name of Jesus, by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, be with us, direct our path, fill us with the riches of Your grace, transform our mind with a healthy balance that is good for our body and soul. Guide us with Your gracious love, that we may press forward to being all that You created us to be. In Your Holy Name we pray… Amen
Sweet blessings always,

Deanna Danielle


Proverbs 2:2-5
My son, if you receive My words
and treasure up My commandments with you making your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding, yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.
Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

What do you want to be when you grow up?


“What do you want to be when you grow up?” asked my junior high school counselor, as we pieced together my high school schedule. You see, I was my own kind of Amelia Bedelia, struggling to learn, with no talent whatsoever and fearful of my own shadow. After pondering the direction of my future for a few seconds, I responded, “I’d like to be kindergarten teacher.” With a respectful smile, he replied, “I don’t recommend that for you. You don’t like school and teaching means you would need further education. I don’t see you doing that.” Eager to know his thoughts, I replied, “What do you think I should do?” “Do what your mom does” he said, and that afternoon, I watched carefully as my mom cut and styled her client’s hair. Clueless yet curious, thoughts of, “The apple never falls far from the tree” came to mind. After telling my mom about my conversation with my counselor, she blessed me with words of wisdom, “If this is what you want to do, then I want you to get a job this summer in a salon to make sure it’s right for you…”

In sharing this story, many people are offended by my counselors dispirit. However, to me his recommendation was a truly valuable puzzle piece to my life. Like an angel in disguise, he helped guide me to dig deeper into becoming all that I was created to be. We all have a purpose in life and God gives us exactly what we need in order to accomplish all that we are called to do. We may not always hear what we want to hear, or get what we want when we want it, nevertheless, the direction we take with what we have been given is up to us. For me, it wasn’t that I couldn’t be a teacher; it just wasn’t a good fit at that time. Truthfully, styling hair has been a tremendous gift to me. 

Life doesn’t always do what we want it to do, but it is comforting to know that God’s love remains steadfast for each and every one of us everyday. We don’t need to lose faith when we see others receive answers to their prayers, while we feel like we haven’t yet received our own blessings. We can rest assured knowing that our time is coming, and when it hits the ground, the earth will feel it. My mom recently shared with me this motivational story:

An elephant and a dog became pregnant at the same time. Three months down the line, the dog gave birth to six puppies. Six months later the dog was pregnant again, and nine months on it gave birth to another dozen puppies. The pattern continued. On the 18th month the dog approached the elephant questioning: “Are you sure that you are pregnant? We became pregnant on the same date. I have given birth three times to a dozen puppies and they are now grown to become big dogs, yet you are still pregnant. What’s going on? The elephant replied: “There is something I want you to understand. What I am carrying is not a puppy but an elephant. I only give birth to one in two years. When my baby hits the ground, the earth feels it. When my baby crosses the road, human beings stop and watch in admiration. What I carry draws attention. What I’m carrying is mighty and great!”

The key to mighty and great in the word of God simply teaches us that God is our Hero. The question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is an on going question, that continues to grow within us no matter how old we may be. As I look back over the years, I can appreciate God’s intimate love in the details of all things. Our path is designed by God and bound to be glorious if we are willing to follow Him. Everyday is a stepping-stone of grace to use as a tool to move forward in the grand puzzle of life.

Be encouraged and committed as you take bold steps and healthy risks. Remember, without the struggle, it’s difficult to find your strength. While serving others, we will see more clearly the bigger picture. At the same time, recognize the little blessing that come to us daily. “Say your prayers” were the closing words my Dad would speak as he hit the light switch after tucking us into bed every night. Years later, I am still praying. It gives me great pleasure to share the word and love of God with others. As a catechist (teacher of the principles of Christian faith) my prayer for everyone I meet is to come to know and feel the love of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who traded it all in for the Cross; giving His life as a sacrifice to set us free from the spiritual chains of slavery that trap us in a web of confusion, addiction and sin. The Bible is filled with so many treasures and tools. The Word of God is our sword and shield as we all travel or wander like a pilgrim on this journey through life. Here are a few scriptures to ponder:

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. [Luke 16:10]

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. [Hebrews 13:2]

A teacher is not so much responsible for what our students know, but more so for the seeds we plant to help them grow.

Father in the Name of Jesus, by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, be with us, direct our path, fill us with the riches of Your grace, transform our mind with a healthy balance that is good for our body and soul. Guide us with Your gracious love, that we may press forward to being all that You created us to be. In Your Holy Name we pray… Amen

Sweet blessings always,

Deanna Danielle


Michael’s hands: My 3rd grade student 2020-2021

The Color Purple

We have only just begun

As our eyes behold God’s creation, we see magnificent color. Color is essential In a designers’ world. Understanding color can help us gain a deeper understanding of the beauty in God’s design. Let’s take the colors blue and red, together they make a majestic purple.

The color red is an intense color. It represents blood, fire, love, just to name a few. Red pigment made from ochre (a natural clay) was one of the first colors used in prehistoric art.

The color blue by way of example, represents the seas, the sky and peace. Of all the colors, it is not only favored by both men and women, but even so, beyond half of the countries on earth have blue in their national flags.

The color purple presents a great deal of prestige and brings forth a powerful history. It was the most expensive dye in the Bible. A well known pigment of choice for those of noble or royal birth. It holds the most intimate secrets of the Bolinus brandaris, (a medium-sized predatory sea snail) found on the beaches of the eastern Mediterranean, to the emergence of synthetic dye. What once serviced only emperors and Popes now service of all humanity.

I believe there is an even deeper lesson here for our times as well. As a people, our history defines who and what we are. As an individual, we are known by our actions. Just as blue and red, together make a purple; genetics, environment and attitude are some of the main ingredients that make a single human being. As each individual has their own strengths and weaknesses, what we choose to do with those strengths and weaknesses, are up to us. God’s word is known as the Living Word that provides us with the essential, “basic instructions before leaving earth.’ Take the first letter of each of these words, it conveniently spells out, BIBLE.

As each of us has a personal responsibility toward God, and all He has given us; our free will gives us the capability to choose between different courses of action. As in all good decorating jobs, a conversation with the decorator is indispensable, as is our dialogue with God. Saying YES to God is the most important choice we will ever make. This is where the beautiful accessories come in; out of living the life we have been given, even if it may not seem as though it is so lovely sometimes. God waits for our permission to unfold His incredible plan in our lives. We have great value because each of us is made in God’s image and likeness.

“For each will have to bear his own load.” [Galatians 6:5]

From our personality, inherited characteristics to our physical appearance, genetics, set the stage. As it takes a village to raise a child, our environment, is the stepping stone, that help us share stories that echo to one another, God’s gift of love. Attitude, seals the deal; that little thing that makes all the difference.

By the grace of Christ, here are some tools for our shed: * Overcome evil with good.” [Romans 12:21] * Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5] * Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” [Ephesians 4:32]

Words of Love: * God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. [Genesis 1:27] * I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. [John 10:10] * Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good…” [Genesis 1:31]

Our Lord, our God, Our living King, how merciful and kind is He! His word tells us that, He is the Vine and we are the branches. [John 15] ~ The branch produces fruit, but it is the vine that nourishes the branch. Without the vine and the branches dead but being one with the Vine it is nourished. How do we begin to thank God for the privilege to be nourished in Him, by His beautiful and Holy Word. How do we thank the Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, by the power of His Holy Spirit, as He so desires to come into our lives. Let us pray that God will continue to teach us, nourish us and be with us in all we do.

Jesus told this parable: “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ ‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’” [ Luke 13:6-9]

From the history of the color purple, to the mystery of the fig tree, we have only just begun to discover and experience some of the incredible hidden treasures, in the breathtaking agape love of God.

A teacher is not so much responsible for what our students know, but more so for the seeds we plant to help them grow.

Let us ask the Father in the Name of Jesus, by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, to open our eyes, ears and hearts, so that we may see His reflection and peaceful harmony, in all that He has created for us!

Sweet blessings always,

Deanna Danielle


Photo by ~ Deanna Danielle ~ Purple Rain

The Good Shepherd

The chapter we covered this week in class talked about how good shepherds love and care for their sheep. It also shared how Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd. We learned a lot about the nature of sheep. Sheep have very interesting personality traits, many similar to us. We also learned how good shepherds are a reflection of God’s love for us.

In this chapter, all the kids had the opportunity to pretend that they had a little sheep. I believe that once they learned they had to give it a name, they became very close to the it. When I asked them about the name they chose and why, they all gave more or less the same response; “Because I love that person, they are very special to me.” Anabelle said, she chose the names, Mary and God, for that reason alone.

I turned on a video as I shared how they are all very special, and will always be, because God made them and gave them all a meaning and purpose. The film was about a little crippled sheep who felt left out and different. This then brought him a lot of anger, to the point of going out into the wilderness on his own. He wanted to prove to the rest of the sheep that he did not need them. This pride brought the little sheep into great danger as he faced a giant lion. This made Siena turn to me and say, “My hands are sweating!” As she waited fearfully of what was going to happen. Sure enough, just as the great lion was getting ready to feast, the Good Shepherd interceded and saved him.

Even after the blessing of being saved, the little sheep was not very happy. He was still crippled and different from the rest. Then, one night when all the sheep were on their way to the green pasture, he had to stay back at the barn. On this night, there was one very bright star in the sky, and a lovely lady and her husband entered the barn. Next the little sheep realized that a beautiful baby boy was just born. Then, the couple looked around for something to help keep their newborn baby warm on that cold night. The little crippled sheep realized, for the first time, that God had a great purpose for him. The little sheep would be the one to help keep the newborn baby warm.

After the film, I said, “Look at my lips. There is something I want you to remember always.” They asked, “You want us to remember your lips?” I said, “No, I want you to remember not only what I say, but I want you to see what I am saying. I want it to be seen with your eyes, heard with your ears and received in your heart. God made you very special, and has great plans for you.” I have to say, that all their little smiles, are enough to make a teacher feel the presence of God’s great love in the room.

 When we feel broken, it is truly a time when we see the hand of God in action, protecting us. As the psalm of David says, in psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

May God bless you always,

Deanna Danielle


Through a Child’s Eyes…

 Looking back at our last class blog, I cannot believe it was in the month of November. Since then, we’ve celebrated Christmas and entered into a brand new year. As I reflect upon our classes that have passed, I ponder thoughts for upcoming sessions. Lessons on how to keep the kids engaged and enthusiastic, in learning about our faith.

From coloring, to our workbook, working on a project to role playing, or watching a movie to telling stories. All the kids have their favorite activity. However, the two most sought-after requests, besides being a class helper, that I am asked are: “When are we going to pick out of the treasure chest?” and “Are we going to have a snack today?” Seasons may come and go, years may pass; nevertheless, human nature has always remained the same. Seeking out the treasures in life and filling our bellies, have always been a top-priority.

Through a child’s eyes, there is so much we can learn. Being a teacher and a mom, I have to say that “I may prepare a lesson, or provide the meal, but somehow, I always leave with the treasure.” Whether it’s something astonishing that a student shares, or the simplicity of when my little girl says, “Hey mom, this spoon has a happy face…”  You know it could only be God’s grace touching the heart.

So, let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. ~ Hebrews 4:16  And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. ~ Ephesians 3:18

And, if I may say so myself, “That would even make the spoon smile :)”

Blessings always,                                                                                                           Deanna Danielle



Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team’s court. Taking this concept into a classroom of 1st graders needs some improvising. So, I decided that our colorful rug would be the court, and having them sit in their chairs facing each other could work. Let me not forget, the use of a beach ball is very beneficial, especially when it’s the boys vs. the girls!

Ready to play on the girls’ team was, Elizabeth, Ashley, Charlotte, Paula, Mary, and Ally. The boys’ team had Jack, Ben, Ewan, Aidan M, Patrick, Gianluca, Aidan S, Nikolaus. The hands of Emma, and Salvatore were used for our score board. A beautiful part of our religious experience is the sense of belonging. There are lots of benefits to being a member of a community. We feel more secure knowing that we have others around us who share our same values. As a team, we can work together, developing, bonding, and helping others.

During our class lesson, we talked about how families share life and love. How we all belong to a family and how everyone in our family is special. We spoke about Jesus and the family He belonged to, and that we are now part of that family through our baptism. When I asked them, “What are some of the things we do as a parish family?” Their answers were, “We help people, we give food and clothes to the poor.” However, what really touched me, was when Ally said, “We pray for each other!”

In the game of volleyball, or any team sport, kids can benefit both physically and socially. Being part of a family or group is probably why Jesus called the twelve (Disciples) to Himself, and began to send them out two by two. (Mark 6:7) The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18) This is the awesome love of God…

Having help and support, making memories, and of course some normal disagreements at times (because nothing is perfect here on earth, except for God’s grace) is all part life. Often, I think about this really nice quote, “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”― Mother Teresa

Have a blessed day!
