National Anthem

One by one, their steps were quick and their faces were brightly smiling. Their arms were stretched out carrying trays of banana bread, muffins, donuts, brownies, cookies, and cupcakes beautifully decorated with colorful sprinkles, as they entered into the auditorium. They were prepared for service. Kids helping kids, they put on their aprons and were ready to raise money for St. Jude children, to help them fight cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

The rush was on. As the other teachers gathered their students to go to class, we had our first customers; one very generous teacher and her group. Then the silence came and the clock was ticking, uh-oh… I thank God for the gift of prayer. We prayed, and as I shared with them what a wonderful thing they were doing to help others, the sound of pitter patter was in the hall and we were up and running once again. When the younger class that came to purchase sat to enjoy their treats, out of the blue, my students started singing…

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?…

This is the beauty of having the privilege to teach. It’s when your students “WOW” you, no money can buy that!

There are times in our lives when we hear a song, a national anthem, and it moves us. As I see our world today and wonder what we will leave behind for our children, I express warm admiration for the words of Mandela in the movie Invictus:

“I couldn’t help noticing the empty offices as I came to work today, and all the packing boxes. Now, of course, if you want to leave, that is your right. And if you feel in your heart that you cannot work with your new government, then it is better that you do leave, right away. But if you are packing up because you fear that your language, or the color of your skin, or who you served previously, disqualifies you from working here now, I am here to tell you, have no such fear. What is verby is verby. What is past is past. We look to the future, now. We need your help. We want your help. If you would like to stay, you will be doing your country a great service. I ask only that you do your jobs to the best of your abilities, and with good hearts. I promise to do the same.”

May God bless our Country and everyone in it always. May God bless our world that there may be peace, happiness and perfect health. May God bless you and me. For we are all a part of God’s great big family, if only we want to be…

Deanna Danielle


For God so loved the WORLD that He gave His one and only Son, that WHOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16



The Good Shepherd

The chapter we covered this week in class talked about how good shepherds love and care for their sheep. It also shared how Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd. We learned a lot about the nature of sheep. Sheep have very interesting personality traits, many similar to us. We also learned how good shepherds are a reflection of God’s love for us.

In this chapter, all the kids had the opportunity to pretend that they had a little sheep. I believe that once they learned they had to give it a name, they became very close to the it. When I asked them about the name they chose and why, they all gave more or less the same response; “Because I love that person, they are very special to me.” Anabelle said, she chose the names, Mary and God, for that reason alone.

I turned on a video as I shared how they are all very special, and will always be, because God made them and gave them all a meaning and purpose. The film was about a little crippled sheep who felt left out and different. This then brought him a lot of anger, to the point of going out into the wilderness on his own. He wanted to prove to the rest of the sheep that he did not need them. This pride brought the little sheep into great danger as he faced a giant lion. This made Siena turn to me and say, “My hands are sweating!” As she waited fearfully of what was going to happen. Sure enough, just as the great lion was getting ready to feast, the Good Shepherd interceded and saved him.

Even after the blessing of being saved, the little sheep was not very happy. He was still crippled and different from the rest. Then, one night when all the sheep were on their way to the green pasture, he had to stay back at the barn. On this night, there was one very bright star in the sky, and a lovely lady and her husband entered the barn. Next the little sheep realized that a beautiful baby boy was just born. Then, the couple looked around for something to help keep their newborn baby warm on that cold night. The little crippled sheep realized, for the first time, that God had a great purpose for him. The little sheep would be the one to help keep the newborn baby warm.

After the film, I said, “Look at my lips. There is something I want you to remember always.” They asked, “You want us to remember your lips?” I said, “No, I want you to remember not only what I say, but I want you to see what I am saying. I want it to be seen with your eyes, heard with your ears and received in your heart. God made you very special, and has great plans for you.” I have to say, that all their little smiles, are enough to make a teacher feel the presence of God’s great love in the room.

 When we feel broken, it is truly a time when we see the hand of God in action, protecting us. As the psalm of David says, in psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

May God bless you always,

Deanna Danielle


Where Everybody Knows Your Name

“Making our way in the world today takes everything we’ve got. Taking a break from all our worries sure would help a lot. Sometimes we want to go where everybody knows our name, and they’re always glad we came…” Just a little change to the words in the television theme song ‘Cheers’. Our class this week reminded me of the lyrics to this unforgettable melody, stressing a sequence of notes that is musically satisfying.

A smile that says, ‘it’s you!’ A quick, long wave like a puppy dog’s tail that conveys, ‘I’m so glad to see you.’ A hug that expresses, ‘You mean something to me.’ Priceless. With that being said, I thank my 1st grade class of 2013 for that warm greeting. Just like all of them, It was very special. They have all grown so much since last year. It was so great to see them.

As our class is coming together this year, it is wonderful to see them with that same little wave and smile. As they look around to see if all their friends are in the room, I hear a little voice ask, “Where’s Cathrena.”(Cathrena, Ben & Mark are our class helpers) We are very blessed to have them with us. What a beautiful feeling that was. I wanted to call Cathrena on the spot and tell her that she is missed already, and it is only our second class!

I once read a small article that left an impression on my heart. It stated how we all need friends who will stick close, listen, care, and offer help when it is needed — in good times and bad. The article shared how it is better to have one true friend than dozens of superficial acquaintances. Also, how instead of wishing we could find a true friend that we should seek to become one. There are many people who need our friendship. Then, we should ask for God’s guidance to them, so we can take on the challenge of being a true friend.

While I prayed one day, I asked, “Lord do our hands really know how to love?” I looked down as my hands came together. The left hand made the shape of the letter ‘L’ and my thumb and fore finger formed the letter ‘O.’ The rest of my three fingers on that hand spread into a very clear ’VE.’ All I can say is, God is forever blowing me away with His awesome love.

As I conclude this week’s blog, I want to thank Ryan for bringing in his rock collection, and treating our class to our first Show and Tell. It made a perfect ending to planting pumpkin and flower seeds, and talking about how important it is to take care of all God’s creations.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” – Matthew 7:7

Deanna Danielle


Change Of Plans

I am grateful for the opportunity to share God’s love through our first grade class. During the last two weeks, our class has been involved in the filmmaking of 201 Boulevard. My plan was to film one hour a week for two weeks, to prepare for a film festival that I would like our class to be part of.

At our first week of filming, I was asked to take in a second class. No problem. With Dominique, Kristin, Hope, and Juliana helping, we can do this. I had prepared a lesson, so the girls could lead part of the class while I went into another classroom to start filming. I have to say, after filming for a few minutes, I knew we had a lot of little stars in our class, and they were all ready to give it their best. I’d say, “Okay, say that line one more time,” after they had already said it five times. They’d just giggle, with a sigh and smile, saying, “again!” They were so excited to get it just right.

Back in the classroom, the lesson was going on about Adam and Eve. How God told them  never to eat the forbidden fruit on the tree in the middle of the Garden. As Dominique shared how they bit into the apple, Ewan raised his hand and said, “I eat apples, am I bad?” Thank God for His grace as we enter these precious moments and respond to  sensitive questions! Both filming and class were cut short when we were reminded one of our parish priests was waiting for us at the church. We quickly packed up and headed over.

On our arrival, the priest said, “repeat after me.” He said, “Jesus” and the class repeated, “Jesus” and at that moment a few of the kids began chatting, so to get their attention he turned to them and said “HELLO.” In a moment, 28 first graders repeated “HELLO” in his same tone! It was so funny the priest, himself, could not keep a straight face.

As we plan our time, it’s very important that we leave room for change, because it’s often in the change of plans that some wonderful things will take place. As I plan for this upcoming week, week 3, to finish with the filming project, I pray for God’s blessing, peace, grace, protection and guidance to live my life in the plan He has prepared for me. As David said in the Psalm 139:3-18 , “ You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment You know where I am…” This always reminds me that God takes care of us.

Last week was Dominique’s last week with our class, since lacrosse practice has begun. Now, it’s up to Kristin and me to fill in the joy that Dominique’s presence brought to our class. We are going to miss you Domi!

I look forward to sharing our film production with you in next week’s blog.

Blessings Always,
Picture taken by Dominique

Picture taken by Dominique


What is love? As I asked this question to our class, there were so many beautiful answers. However, the most beautiful melody came from Charlotte, when she responded, “Love is a gift from God.” You could almost hear angels singing along with her as she spoke those words.

Valentine’s Day is a very special day of the year, when love seems to be celebrated in many countries around the world. With cards, flowers, romantic dinners and jewelry, we seek the most perfect way to say, “I love you.”

 I come from a family who showed me great love, honest love, and the finest love, yet that love could never compare to God’s love. The reason is that love comes from Him, through all of those whom I love. So could you even imagine how great the Giver of Love really is?

The greatest definition of love I have ever read is in 1 John 4:7-12, Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.  This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.

When I think of Jesus, I see and feel love; such an overabundance, that I want to share it with the world. If we could just take one moment out of our schedules and place it on God, silent whispers could change our lives. This is love that has always been there right from the start.

Elizabeth, Samantha, Emma, Charlotte, Jack, Ewan,  Aidan M, Patrick, Gianluca, Ally, Aidan S, Nikolaus, Paula, Mary, Salvatore, Dominique and Kristen, may the little stories of our 1st grade class, show the great love that God has for each and every one of us.

With love and blessings,

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!



One February morning after a winter blizzard, on our son’s birthday, there was a gift outside our window. These two hearts were in our driveway. They were the size of two cars, with no other tracks around, just a few tire marks on the street and a few foot steps on the ground.

Have you visited the treasuries of the snow? Have you seen where the hail is made and stored?… Job 38:22

Planting Seeds

Give a bunch of 1st graders some dirt, a few seeds and a pot to put it in, and you will see a bunch of happy faces! I know that for a fact, I saw it with my own eyes. “Can I have some more seeds,” “When will it grow,” “I’m going to put mine in the sun,”… Filled with enthusiasm, they are bright, and ready for some action!

 Planting is the process of cultivation, and proper planting ensures healthy growth… There is opportunity for us every day, to plant seeds of love in the lives of others. There is also the gift being watered.

 Before my grandmother left for heaven, she shared with me some memories of beautiful letters my dad had sent to her when he was in the army. Her biggest regret, was that she did not keep them all. She said; “It would have been a book in itself!” As our younger son left for Italy, this past August, his semester abroad. My grandmothers words came back to me. I shared this story of grandma with him, and asked if he would journal his trip, so someday his kids and grandkids could hear about it. He said he would think about it.  Just a few weeks into his trip, he sends me this e-mail; “Whats up mom… I know you wanted to me write a journal but I’m probably not going to do that. Bobby is a pretty good writer though, and he has a blog online. So far he has made a post for everyday so if you want to keep up on what were doing all the time you can read it at… and he has pictures to go along with it. tell vin dad and the girls I said hi. love you. -Joe.   Well, at least I have a picture of what he is doing through the hand writing of his friend.

  Reading his friends stories, short, funny, and right to the point, inspired me to share my journey of teaching, through the land of 1st grade. Through my grandmothers story, I have been encouraged to write it down, and keep it!

  So, embracing the planted words of Grandma’s loving regret, and the watering of my sons friend; My Blog Bloomed!!! I hope you enjoy reading them 🙂

 Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life. ~Proverbs 19:20

 Bible; Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth

Many blessings,

Have a great day,
